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Root Canal Treatment Specialist

Rodney Park, DDS -  - General Dentist

Rodney Park, DDS

General Dentist & Family Dentist located in San Jose, CA

Root canals may have a bad reputation, but advances in dental technologies and procedures have made this tooth-saving treatment no more uncomfortable than a traditional filling. At his practice in San Jose, California, Rodney Park, DDS, offers root canal treatments and treats every patient like ohana (family). If you’re experiencing symptoms like a toothache or tooth sensitivity to touch or temperature, call the office to schedule an appointment today.

Root Canal Treatment Q&A

What is a root canal treatment?

A root canal treatment removes decay from the interior of a tooth. Your dentist at Rodney K. Park DDS then fills and seals the tooth to prevent future decay or damage. These treatments also repair teeth affected by abscesses. 

Root canals are often used to save severely damaged or decayed teeth that would otherwise be lost or need extraction. 

What are the signs that I need a root canal?

A toothache is the primary indicator that you might need a root canal. In addition to pain, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures and touch indicate that tooth decay or damage has reached the inside of your tooth. You may also notice swelling in the surrounding gums or even the lymph nodes under your chin. 

What happens during a root canal treatment?

Modern root canal treatment is very similar to the process for a normal surface cavity filling. Before starting the root canal process, your dentist takes dental X-rays so they can see inside your affected tooth and the surrounding bone to confirm the diagnosis and guide the process.

Your dentist begins the treatment by applying a local anesthetic to your tooth and the surrounding tissue. They clean your tooth, applying a latex cover to keep it dry and free from bacteria. 

Using special tools, they remove the decay and damaged tissue from the inside of your tooth. They work efficiently, stopping periodically to remove debris and check to ensure that all of the decay has been removed. This prevents unnecessary removal of healthy tooth tissue.

After the decayed tissue has been removed, your dentist fills your tooth and seals the opening to protect your tooth from future decay. If your tooth is weakened, they apply a crown to provide strength and support to the tooth.

How should I take care of my teeth following a root canal treatment?

Following a root canal, you may experience some tenderness, but the pain and sensitivity that you experienced before your treatment should be gone. 

The team at Rodney K. Park DDS provides specific instructions on caring for your teeth and resolving any post-treatment discomfort. 

For example, they may suggest applying ice to reduce swelling and special toothpaste and mouthwash to reduce the risk of infection. They may also prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.

If you’re experiencing any tooth pain or sensitivity, call the office to schedule an appointment today.